viernes, 31 de julio de 2009

A little more about me!

Esta nota la saqué de Facebook pero me encantó! es una estupidez pero la considero bastante util para darse a conocer a través de las letras que te inspiran cada día.

Voy a tratar de hacerla varias veces de acuerdo a cada artista que me gusta (solo de los que consiga las 16 canciones que respondan las preguntas pues).

Using only song names from ONE ARTIST, cleverly answer these questions.
Try not to repeat a song title. It's harder than you think.

Pick Your Artist: Avril Lavigne

Are you male or female: "Girlfriend"

Describe yourself: "Anithing but ordinary"

How do you feel about yourself: "Freak out"

Describe your current boy/girl situation: "Keep holding on"

Describe where you currently live: "My world"

If you could go anywhere you wanted to go: "Take me away"

Your favorite form of transportation: "Not gonna run"

Your best friends are: "The best damn thing"

Your favorite color is: "Why"

Favorite time of day: "Who knows"

If your life were a TV show, what would it be called: "Complicated"

What is life to you: "Innocence"

What is the best advice you have to give: "Tomorrow (it's a different day)"

Thought for the Day: "Kiss me"

How I would like to die: "Knockin' on heaven's door / My happy ending"

My soul's present condition: "Naked"

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